Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about us and our trainings. If you still have questions, please contact us for further information.

What can I expect at one of your training seminars?

We provide interactive, relevant course materials and presentations. Whether we are presenting in person or remotely, we have proven strategies to engage participation in a way that is welcoming and inclusive. 

How are seminars structured?

We structure our seminars based on whether you need in-person or remote training. We also consider include whether the training is part of a larger retreat or seminar or if our program is meant to be a stand-alone presentation. We always work with you to structure our program in a way that it is best suited for your organization 

What will I receive when I attend?

For in-person trainings, you will receive all written course materials. Whether in person or remote, you will receive continuing legal education credits if such credits are included in the course. 

Can you accommodate individuals with disabilities?

We do our best to accommodate the needs of all participants, whether in person or remote. However, we do not guarantee that every person's specific needs can be accommodated.  

Is it necessary to bring a laptop?

There is no need to bring a lap top to in-person trainings. Remote trainings do require a laptop.

Still have questions?

Christel Best Training

17325 Euclid Avenue, Ste. 3146-144
Cleveland, OH 44112

Focused. Engaging. Effective.

Interactive, expert training for lawyers and other professionals who demand the best

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